Teachers have voted overwhelmingly to strike on June 30th. They are expected to be joined by thousands of public sector workers and possibly also university staff. Could we also see wildcat strikes on the day?

On Monday, Brighton Stop the Cuts Coalition are organising a public meeting on 'Striking to Defend Pensions, Jobs and Pay' at 19:30 in the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street. Come along to share plans for the day, and join us in the pub afterwards to plot solidarity and support.

We are also calling for school walkouts in support of the strikes. Leaflets will be available shortly. On the day, there will be several picket lines locally - we're trying to put together a map - as well as a 'demonstration and rally' assembling at 10:30 at the Level.

Watch this space for updates as more information comes in and more plans are hatched.

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This article was published on 15 June 2011 by the SolFed group in Brighton. Other recent articles:

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