
Members of Brighton SolFed supported a 20-30 strong protest and picket at ATOS healthcare in Brighton today as part of a national day of action against benefits cuts. The protest was organised by the Brighton Benefits Campaign (BBC), a group of claimants and workers fighting the cuts to welfare provision. ATOS is a private company paid millions of pounds to stop sick and disabled peoples benefits by declaring them 'fit to work' via a computer programme, which has given absurd diagnoses such as describing hand amputations as 'mild' and thus no barrier to work.

We gathered in Churchill Square to unfurl banners and leaflet the public about ATOS' involvement in screwing over sick and disabled claimants. After we'd given out hundreds of leaflets, we made the short walk to ATOS where members of BBC performed some street theatre satirising the process by which ATOS classify people as 'fit to work', which drew a small curious crowd. If you want to get involved: BBC meets every Thursday 6pm, upstairs room, Duke of Wellington pub, Upper Gloucester Road, 5mins from Brighton Station.

Contact: brightonbenefitscampaign[at] or add the Facebook profile.

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This article was published on 14 April 2011 by the SolFed group in Brighton. Other recent articles:

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