
Liverpool council leader's false allegations at Town Hall protest

Entering the council chambers of Liverpool Town Hall during a protest against his council's cuts programme, Labour Council Leader Joe Anderson claimed: "I got kicked in my ankles and punched in the side." This was reported unquestioningly by the Liverpool Echo and by Radio City 96.7.

The following video - taken by a member of Liverpool Solidarity Federation - shows him entering the town hall, surrounded by police officers and members of the City Watch. Neither they nor Anderson react at any point as if he is physically attacked. He enters the building unscathed.

Joe Anderson is a liar, as we can all see for ourselves!


Bah Humbug! Atos Cancel Christmas Fri. 16th Dec. 13.30 Glasgow

Fri, 16/12/2011 - 13:30 to 14:30
Event organiser: 
The Crutch Collective

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Bah Humbug! Atos Cancel Christmas


Anti-Atos Leafleting plus giving claimants advice on appeals and what to do during benefits medical assessments.


Friday, 16 December 2011.


13:30 until 14:30.


Atos Medical Assessment Centre, Corunna House, 29 Cadogan Street, Glasgow G2 7AB.


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Rub a spark the wrong way and you get a wildcat

Solfed members were on the pickets in London for the biggest wildcat strike of 2011 and one of the biggest electricians' walkouts of recent years. Below we summarise some of the events around Blackfriars as thousands of electricians downed tools against the breaking of national working agreements which will mean pay cuts of up to 35% and defied an injunction against official strike action brought by Balfour's legal team just days before. Below that we've collated summaries from elsewhere.

South London N30

On November 30th, South London Solfed set out to support the strike in Lewisham. Members and friends got together with food, drink and positive energy for the pickets. We started at the town hall at 7am and moved north through the borough stopping at Kaleidoscope (NHS), Job Centre Plus, Lewisham Hospital, Wearside refuse centre and Goldsmiths college.


As well as bringing supplies, we helped leaflet and tried convincing workers not to cross picket lines. We found few union members willing to challenge their colleagues in a meaningful way. Having a group of 30 supporting picket lines boosted visibility and confidence, but workers will have to become more active in their workplaces to make the real difference. We hope that as this struggle goes on the social stigma attached to scabbing returns and we see stronger picket lines.


Brighton Benefits Campaign: Public meeting on housing

Thu, 08/12/2011 - 19:30 to 21:30
Event organiser: 
Brighton Benefits Campaign

While David Cameron and his cabinet of millionaires live it up in their multiple luxurious mansions, they propose to hit those who have only one roof over their heads with an all-out assault on housing benefits and social housing.

The Government’s proposals include:

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#N30 in Liverpool - members' reports

Yesterday, Liverpool Solidarity Federation members joined picket lines in Liverpool and Bootle to offer support to strikers and attended a 20,000-strong march through the City Centre. Below are several personal reports from members' blogs.

See reflections from striking Solfed members at Truth, Reason & Liberty and Working Class Self-Organisation.

A choice: race to the bottom or fight and win - blog by a Solfed member in the private sector who supported the strike.