
Bristol Solidarity Federation, Permanent Culture Now and Bristol Indymedia Present: The Great Housing Rip-Off

As part of co-ordinated action by the International Workers' Association across several countries, Indymedia and Bristol Solidarity Federation are hosting an evening of film and discussion on housing matters. Using film footage from the 1930s and 1970s, the struggles of ordinary people to live in a decent, affordable and secure home will be remembered. The talks and discussions will focus on the present day, providing: an overview of current national and local housing issues; an analysis of the expanding private rented sector; an insight into the tenants movement in Bristol; and a first hand account of DIY housing in the form of a local co-operative.

8pm sharp, Monday 13th May 2013, The Cube Cinema, Dove St South, Kingsdown, Bristol, BS2 8JD.

£3/£4 (but nobody turned away for lack of funds)

Photo From The Anti-Workfare Walk Of Shame Monday May 6th

The British Heart Foundation Uses Forced Unpaid Labour. 

We also picketed Poundland, Dorothy Perkins, Burtons, Top Man/Top Shop and Debenhams.  If previous holidays are anything to go by Workfare companies will have had people in working for nothing on Workfare rather than pay their regular staff holiday pay for the Bank holiday.

More photos on our Facebook page:

May Day Poundland picket in Manchester

A picket of Poundland was organised in Manchester on May Day to coincide with the IWA days of action against Austerity, Exploitation and Oppression. Poundland  is making use of the government's Workfare programme that forces the unemployed to work for nothing. The picket was organised by Manchester Solfed and was supported by members of Manchester AF. The picket took place at the Poundland shop in the Arndale Shopping centre and we were soon approached by security staff who demanded we stop our protest on the grounds that it was taking place on private property. A few hundred leaflets were distributed  and the picket was generally well recieved by shoppers.

Bristol May Day Rally

The May Day Rally in Bristol saw a large Red and Black presence leading the march through the centre.

Members of Solidarity Federation joined the Radical Workers' Block. The red and black flags flags waved and demands of "Fire to the bosses" cried out. Others in the block included members of the Anarchist Federation, the IWW and other local anarchists.

The rally ended in Castle Park, where Trade Union activists, made tired and boring speeches about the need for Leadership and putting pressure on the Labour Party. The Anarchist Federation stood by, holding a banner proclaiming TUC censorship, drawing attention to the Trades Council ban on anarchists on the platform and allowing any mention of the historic roots of May Day.

The Great Housing Rip-Off (Bristol)

Mon, 13/05/2013 - 20:00


Cube Cinema
4 Princess Row
BS2 8NQ Bristol,
Event organiser: 
Bristol Solidarity Federation, Permanent Culture Now & Bristol Indymedia

"With social housing provision shrinking and home ownership increasingly inaccessible, millions of households in Britain, are forced into sub-standard, insecure and expensive private lets. The establishment presents this situation as a 'lifestyle' or 'life-stage' choice, yet for many there is no choice at all. With much of the once militant tenants movement co-opted by the state, resistance is fragmented and often desperate.  What is to be done? Bristol Solidarity Federation invites you to an evening of film and discussion on the mess that is Britain's housing system."

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SolFed workplace organiser training @ Immaterial Labour Isn't Working

Fri, 03/05/2013 - 12:00


Auto Italia South East
3 York Way
N1C 4AE King’s Cross Central, London

How do we organise to defend our interests in a modern workplace? This workshop, facilitated by members of the Solidarity Federation (SolFed), aims to be a practical introduction to organising collectively in the workplace. Starting with the basics – how to talk with your colleagues about problems and grievances – the workshop will cover organising workplace committees, resisting management tactics of divide and rule, and how to organise direct action.

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