
Community turns out en masse for Lewisham Hospital demo

The demonstration on Saturday 24th November against the closure of A&E and Maternity wards at Lewisham Hospital drew a huge turnout of between 10,000 and 15,000 people yesterday.
Seasoned older marchers agreed it was the biggest demo in the borough since the New Cross Fire of 1981 or Lewisham’s 1977 mobilisation against the National Front.
The numbers, in pouring rain and on the same day as a demo against the ongoing atrocities in Gaza, showed massive popular feeling and determination to fight the closure.
The crowd was very local and very diverse, all the different populations of Lewisham from the local pensioners forum to small woolly-hatted girls holding placards saying “I could have died by the time the ambulance reached Woolwich” walking alongside huge numbers of NHS workers.

Victory for the Counihan family - Now let's beat back all housing cuts!

The North London local of the Solidarity Federation would like to offer our sincerest congratulations and solidarity to the Counihan family who recently had their housing benefit reinstated by Brent Council.  The fight you've led has been inspirational and militant.  It serves as an example for the sort of struggles that are going to be needed if we're to win the to fight against the onslaught of cuts facing the working class.

We will be advertising your upcoming march and public meeting to our members and contacts. Congratulations again and please keep us informed of upcoming actions and campaign developments on northlondonsf (at)

Leaflet about the campaign available here:

Hospitals and clinics occupied all over Madrid as health workers strike against privatisation

Workers are taking action against privatisation plans in a wave of occupations of hospitals and clinics across Madrid, with massive support from patients and from the population of Madrid. Today a 48 hour strike in health care in Madrid saw 80% of workers on strike. This is just the first of four planned walkouts. Huge demonstrations in support of public health care carried banners like “Health care, we don’t sell it, we defend it.” and “100% free and public.” There have been other occupations outside Madrid, such as the hospital occupation in Zaragoza just before the general strike. A grassroots mobilisation called marea blanca, “white tide” has been building in health care for several months. The privatisation reforms would mean patients paying upfront to see a GP and to have essential treatment.

"Support your local barista": NLSF in mobile information pickets of London Pret shops

Despite the wet weather, today a member of NLSF joined PAMSU in leafleting some half-a-dozen Pret a Manger shops in central London.  Demanding reinstatement for sacked union activist Andrej, we handed out several hundred leaflets, began conversations with customers, and established contacts with a handful of workers inside the shops.

Communications blockade: Tell Ryanair's billionaire chairman to stop exploiting cabin crew!

To celebrate David Bonderman's birthday on November 27th, Liverpool Solidarity Federation and the Ryanair Don't Care campaign are calling for a communications blockade of TPG's London office. Bonderman is a founding partner of TPG. He is also the chairman and director of Ryanair.

He introduced the employment practices at Ryanair which continue to exploit thousands of young people all over Europe wishing a career in aviation as cabin crew, at the same time making millions in lining Bondeman and O'Leary's pockets. Mr Bonderman started his career in the Attorney General's office in the U.S in Civil Rights. In 2009 after Bonderman was contacted by Ryanairdontcare Campaign founder John Foley and a protest took place outside TPG Capital head office in London his wikipedia career history was changed to ''special assistant''.