
Solidarity In Action on Brighton Poundland Picket

On Saturday Brighton Solidarity Federation were joined by Brighton Benefits Campaign on our first picket in the national campaign against Workfare profiteers Poundland. Over the course of two hours we handed out a thousand leaflets and struck up many conversations with the public at their North Street store. This follows the high court ruling that the DWP were within the law to force two unemployed workers out of voluntary work and into unpaid labour at the store.

Solfed en espanol: entrevista con 2 afiliados de Solidarity Federation en Londres

Una entrevista que se realizo con un companero del Centro General de Trabajadores y la Assamblea Llibertaria del Valles Oriental de Catalunya, Espana hace unos dias como parte de la nueva iniciativa de ambos Locales de Solidarity Federation en Londres para comunicarse en esa idioma:

Invitamos a los castellano hablantes que actualmente se encuentran en Londres, incluso desde nuestra seccion hermana - la Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo de Espana - y otros, que se pongan en contacto con nosotros.

45 striking miners shot dead in South Africa

North London Solidarity Federation reproduce a powerful statement by Ayanda Kota - a member of the militant South African shack dwellers organisation, Abahlali baseMjondolo, in protest at the murder of 45 striking miners by the South African police force and the role played by the ruling ANC party (once presided over by Nelson Mandela) in allegedly facilitating the police to carry out such acts of violence.

If you wish to express your anger at this, consider phoning the South African embassy in London at 0207-451-7299 and emailing them at .

Liverpool SolFed join annual Pride march

SolFed members were among the thousands of people who gathered for this year's annual Pride event in Liverpool. Member's of the Liverpool local joined other anarchists and radical workers for the march through the city centre and, despite occasional downpours of heavy rain and a small group of miserable Christian counter-demonstrators, the atmosphere was upbeat and vibrant. We were also there to show solidarity with LGBT comrades facing state repression in Russia, particularly in Moscow where Pride has been banned for the next 100 years by the authorities.

View more of our photos from Pride here.

Education round up 27 July 2012

(Un)Qualified teachers wanted.
While the eyes of most people, both critical and uncritical, are drawn to the Olympics, secretary of state for Education, Michael Gove, has introduced possibly his most significant and destructive piece of reform.

Academies no longer need to employ qualified teachers to teach lessons. Gove heralds this as 'freedom' for academies to employ 'the best for the job'. So while trying to raise the profile of teaching, he's doing the exact opposite. But this is a smokescreen. This is nothing to do with profile, or improving education, or getting 'the best for the job'. It has everything to do with driving down pay and conditions.

From a Syrian anarchist

I am Mazen ******, a Syrian anarchist . I want to inform you about the difficult humanitarian situation in my country, Syria ; due to the brutal oppression of the regime against the revolting masses. A group of young Syrian anarchists and anti – authoritarians from Aleppo – Syria, contacted me asking for urgent help. Their community is in urgent need for everything : medical drugs , tents , children milk , etc; almost everything. We hope that you can help them to alleviate the sufferings of Syrians in these difficult days.