If anyone's interested in anarcho-syndicalism and building a solfed presence in Hull and East Yorkshire please get in contact with us by emailling solfed[at]solfed.org.uk or alternatively hull[at]solfed.org.uk
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Recent articles
This article was published on 17 May 2011 by the SolFed group in Hull. Other recent articles:
Other Posts
Carework: Sleeping on the clock is no dream (posted 25. February) |
Hull SolFed - Walk of Shame (posted 26. July) |
Hull SF Pickets Poundland: 8th and 15th of June. (posted 17. June) |
Workfare Picket in Hull - 6th of April. (posted 20. April) |
ATOS picket - 28th of august. (posted 14. September) |