Two members of Liverpool SolFed recently visited Barcelona to show solidarity during the Spanish general strike of September 29th. They report:

During our stay in Barcelona we visited the Banesto building on Plaça de Catalunya which had been occupied for several days by anti-capitalists. They used the derelict space to celebrate resistance, as well as freely exchange information and radical ideas. However the building was later brutally repossessed by riot police.

On the day of the general strike, we joined a lively demonstration of several thousand organized by our sister organisation, the CNT, who put forward a much more militant message of resistance compared to that of the reformist trade unions.

While a one-day general strike is unlikely to the halt the Zapatero government's attacks on working people, it will hopefully prove to have been an important staging post for the long struggle ahead.

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This article was published on 17 October 2010 by the SolFed group in Liverpool. Other recent articles:

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