For the third year, Liverpool-SolFed will be at Liverpool Anarchist Bookfair. This Saturday, the 13th of April.

We will be having our stall for anarcho-syndicalist literature, information about our campaigns and activity and materials for collective resistance and struggle.

We will also be running a workshop presented by a comrade from Manchester-SolFed:

3pm SolFed: The Truth About Employment Tribunals - Defending and improving UK Employment laws is now seen by many as the best means of protecting workers from exploitation and combating discrimination in the workplace. In this discussion, the Solidarity Federation will look behind the myths and slogans to focus on the true realities of Employment Tribunals and the legal system upon which they operate, and debunking the myth that employment laws can ever be a substitute for workers taking collective action when it comes to protecting workers and improving working conditions.

Recent articles

This article was published on 8 April 2019 by the SolFed group in Liverpool. Other recent articles:

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