
Byron Greenwich Picket

Byron Burgers acted despicably when they collaborated with the Home Office to deport their workers during a fake training event on July 4th. After the story broke from Spanish language newspaper El Iberico a number of groups and unions with Byron worker members have organised and called for action against Byron (see list below)

In a joint leaflet we demand:
no more threats to staff by immigration enforcement!
no discrimination against migrant staff members.
no to exploitative pay and conditions.

Support the Campaign against Laibaz

Manchester Solidarity Federation has entered a dispute with Laibaz, a restaurant in Bolton. A number of the restaurant’s former employees are owed wages for hours worked and holiday entitlement. The restaurant's owner has paid workers at an hourly rate below the minimum wage and has failed to provide pay slips. He also failed to provide P45s when workers left their jobs at the restaurant.

We started the campaign by organising a phone blockade on Saturday July 23, aimed at preventing “take away” orders. The blockade was a tremendous success and we are confident that the restaurant was unable to take any orders between the hours of 6pm and 10pm, the busiest period of the week for take away orders. The workers involved would like to thank people for their fantastic support in making the blockade a success.

Informacion para ciudadanos EEA en el Reino Unido -Information for EU citizens (in Spanish)

BREXIT: implicaciones para ciudadanos europeos en el Reino Unido

Primero: DON’T PANIC. Probablemente no se produzca ningún cambio radical hasta dentro de dos años. Por ahora, los ciudadanos del Espacio Económico Europeo pueden vivir y trabajar en Reino Unido si están ‘economically active’, es decir trabajando o buscando trabajo. Dentro de dos años la situacion será mas incierta y dependerá de las negociaciones y acuerdos entre Reino Unido y la Unión Europea.

Solidarity with Mexican Teachers Against Police and State Violence

South London Solidarity Federation would like to express solidarity with members of the Mexican Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educacion teaching union, who have faced violent attack by the police and state.

The union, which is made up of teachers from the poorer southern states, is protesting new mandated teacher evaluations. These it describes as ignoring the challenges of providing education in rural and underfunded areas whilst also enabling mass teacher layoffs. This is part of a wider programme of privatisation across Mexican education, removing the limited educational provision available to the poorest.

The response from the state has been brutal and violent. Police in Oaxaca opened fire on a teacher protest, killing eight. Two of the unions officials have also been arrested as part of the response.

Statement on the EU Referendum

Manchester Solidarity Federation rejects both the ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ options presented in the EU referendum and are especially appalled by the overt racism and xenophobia that accompanied the campaign to leave the EU. This was a referendum brought about by the Tories simply to appease their racist right wing and prevent defections to UKIP prior to last year’s general election.