
Proud Cabaret dispute closed

The end of the dispute held with Brighton Proud Cabaret after an economical agreement. As we have informed previously, a former chef terminated his employment after being pressured by his manager to go to work when he was sick, which resulted in him being removed from the work rota and the payroll system. Then, the worker was owed part of his wage including unpaid hours, holiday entitlement and notice pay. However, he decided to renounce his notice pay as he was a bit unclear and in debt, in order to facilitate a fast solution.

Newcastle Solidarity Federation win wage theft case.

Newcastle SolFed have won a substantial wage theft claim from a large call centre in Newcastle. The company in question has substantial relationships with the Unions and members of the Labour Party shadow cabinet. Worryingly we have uncovered illegal working conditions, dodgy apprenticeship schemes and dubious work practices.  A fuller report will be published in the following days.

Fighting for Ourselves! A day of talks and music

Newcastle Local are hosting a day and evening of talks and music on November 14th. From 2pm till 6pm, we have talks from Dave Douglass, Manchester SolFed and Brighton Hospitality Workers with a discussion panel to conclude. From 8pm we're having a social with music from bands and DJ's, including Grog-nose, Ship Canal and The Whippet Beans.

November 14th 2pm-6pm and 8pm till late

The Telegraph

(Behind the Central Station)

Orchard Street


Back to Dover to fight against fascism

On September the 12th, almost 200 people tried to stop a fascist march against refugees in the streets of Dover. The march was made up of more than 200 members from groups such as National Front, South East Alliance or BNP, with the objective of reaching Dover harbour to the cry of “refugees, go home!”. This triggered violent confrontations with the antifascists and the Police causing several injured people. It is the third fascist demonstration in the city of Dover this year.

Self-Education In Action

During a September Saturday Brighton SolFed held a network and skills day covering; the immigration act and healthcare, the attack on benefits, fighting wage theft and anarchists on austerity. This full day, including a mighty lunch prepared by members, maintained a constant level of debate and information, concluding in practical action points to continue agitating around Brighton and beyond.

Cambridge: Solfed local in formation

        A new Solidarity Federation local is being formed in Cambridge, and is holding regular meetings and activities.
        Since the start of the year we have been involved with or initiated a number of actions including:-
  •            Benefit Sanctions pickets of Job Centre
  •            Housing demos including of Property Fair and Letting Agents
  •            Boycott Workfare picket of Salvation Army shop.
  •            Support of John Lewis cleaners
        We have cooperated with an informal group of Unite Community activists on most of these actions.
        Among other thing we also organised a SolFed stall at this years Strawberry Fair.

Thames Valley SolFed - Statement of Solidarity with Polish Workers

Solidarity to the Polish Strikers

Six million workers in Britain were born abroad. Increasingly, they
have been blamed for all the financial woes of neoliberal capitalism
and the suffering that the rich have inflicted on millions more. With
conditions in French migrant ghettos worsening, the racist rhetoric of
the British ruling class has become more shameless. By their own
economic measures the immigrants have contributed far more than they
have received, and so the ruling class are having to resort to hateful
and emotive attacks.