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A Public Meeting for Education Workers in London



When: Saturday May 21st from 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Where: The Lucas Arms pub near King's Cross


Hosted by the North London Solidarity Federation


This week is going to see teachers across the UK balloted for strike action to defend their pensions. Anyone who's concerned with the livelihoods of working class people surely applauds such a development. However, what's needed to really make this an effective action is an all-out education workers strike. Unfortunately, most education workers—and the unions we may or may not be in—have little experience spreading strike action. This means it's up to us to begin talking to our co-workers, creating and distributing effective literature, and to set up picket lines.  The goal of this meeting will be help us, as education workers and those who support them, develop effective strategies to do all this.

The meeting will have speakers who've had experience spreading struggle in their workplaces, students who plan to picket during the strike, and literature to help education workers begin having conversations about the strike with their co-workers. If you work in a school, are a student or a parent, please attend this meeting. Come with ideas for 'momentum-building' actions in the run-up to June 30th, have a pint, and get involved in this important conversation.