Privatisation, zero-hour contracts, academies and free schools, tuition fees and student debt: Education is in turmoil. Yet from schools to further and higher education, resistance to government attacks is brewing. Pay strikes, student occupations, the Pop Up Union.

We are going to look at what is happening in the education sectos and will try to answer: how can we build effective alliances between education workers and students, and solidarity between education establishments?

Conference with talks and workshops,  organised by students and workers at Sussex university for the Education Workers Network and @occupy_sussex. Open to education workers and students.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 11:00am until 6:00pm
Community Base, 113 Queens Road, BN1 3XG Brighton

Planned workshops:

  • What’s the point of secondary school?
  • The Pop Up Union
  • The pros and cons of being a union rep
  • Casualised education: Zero hour contracts
  • Student/worker solidarity: how to work together?
  • How to organise an occupation
  • Making strikes effective
  • Financial situation of students
  • The ambiguous role of postgraduates

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